Key Points To Help You Select Mailing Services Provider
Crisis courier offers high priority service that includes same day delivery with your package. Before selecting a mailing house make sure to do some serious research: The relationship a direct mailer develops with their direct mailing house is crucial to the success of the company’s direct mail shots so proceed with care. Here are some of the things which will help you when looking for the right mailing services company…
Check out the background of a mailing house and ask for references -a reputable mailing company will happily provide you with testimonials as well. Contact the mailing house clients, both large and small in order to find out how they feel about the service the mailing company delivers – it’s also useful to find out how long they have been working with the mailing house. Positive recommendation should always be top of the list when selecting a mailing company.
Are they DMA registered? The DMA or Direct Marketing Association has a strict set of criteria to which Direct Mail Companies must adhere if they are to become members. Membership applications are only accepted from companies who have been in business for over two years, and the DMA scrutinizes the background of potential members for instances of financial instability or county court judgements. A representative from the DMA visits the mailing house along with a member of the Mailing House Council in order to check the information on their application form is accurate in terms of quality and processes.
If successful DMA members then have then has to stick to codes of practice laid down. At present there are 120 direct mailing companies with DMA membership – find one by looking on the DMA website or ask a direct mailing house if they are registered – they will have the DMA logo on their website or literature.
How about location? When deciding which fulfillment house to use you don’t necessarily have to choose one which is local to you – sometimes you will have to look farther afield to find a mailing company which can take on more complex and larger volume mailings. If you do choose a mailing house which is further away then take into account the extra cost of transportation. It also helps to choose a mailing company which has good accessibility from main motorways.
How many and what types of services are offered by a mailing services company? Many larger mailing houses can take on the whole direct marketing package from design to mailing and fulfillment. How many direct mailing and marketing processes do you require the mailing house to do? You may only plan to outsource one or two parts of the direct marketing operation; alternatively it may suit you to use a direct mailing company which can take on the majority of the work. The majority of mailing houses offer discounts to clients who use more of their services. When working with just one supplier this means less paperwork and invoices from one place.
How much do they charge? Cost will obviously be one of your main concerns but should not be the overriding factor when looking for a mailing house. Paying slightly more for top quality service and reliability will reap you cost rewards in the longer term. But make sure to find a mailing house which will pass on trade discounts to you; direct mailing houses buy envelopes and labels in bulk so should be able to quote competitively when supplying these materials to you.
Only work with a mailing company which is licensed to use postage discounts such as Royal Mail’s Mailsort – when mailing over 4000 items this delivery service can get you 25% off postage costs – a huge saving. Any good mailing services company will be able to inform you about the various postage options and discounts on offer to you, including those offered by Royal Mail’s many competitors.
Choose a mailing fulfilment house which is committed to using responsibly sourced materials and is recycling its waste. Many direct mail fulfilment companies are attempting to achieve or already have achieved British Standard Accreditation. Find out whether they offer customers the option of using, for example, the 100% biodegradable packaging materials which are available nowadays.
Very importantly your mailing house must be expert in handling data and has to be registered at the Information Commissioner’s Office under the terms of the data protection act of 1998. There must be no doubt that your mailing services company has given you an absolute guarantee that your lists are safe in their hands and would never be passed to a third party.
Find out if a mailing services company invests in new technology; In order to keep up with a rapidly changing digital world you need a mailing house which is committed to innovation in terms of buying the latest printing and mailing technology. New technology means you can deliver a greater degree of personalisation that before giving you a better chance of a successful response to your direct mailings. Top fulfilment houses will be able to offer you the latest in merging software, have PDF management facilities and the option of variable colour print – if your mailing services company is ahead of the game then you will be too.
Learn about direct mail production for your next direct mailing from our website. If you should have any questions about a direct mailing we are happy to help.
David Amor is the owner and MD of First Move Direct Marketing that offers mailing services for clients mailing into the UK market. If you should have any questions about a direct mail fulfilment our team would be delighted to assist.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6403752