Sep - 30
Overview of Building Envelope and Building Inspection Services Inspecting a building for existing and potential problems such as cracks, moisture accumulation, HVAC faults, and structural weaknesses forms an important part of any preventative and corrective inspection system. A building envelope is the physical part of a building the separates the controlled indoor environment of the […]
Nov - 11
If you are planning a major remodel or a new home building project, there will be inspections by the local building authorities. Many owner builders dread these inspections fearing that their projects will be delayed and costs will rise if they have to correct errors found by building inspectors. I get this question repeatedly: Question: […]
Oct - 10
Whenever planning on buying a property, one of the prerequisites of every property buyer should be a building inspection. However, not all buyers see the importance of this procedure hence they forgo this process to save money only to end up spending more. Property buyers should be discouraged from leaving out this process as it […]